Judge who refused to let lesbian moms adopt for the silliest reason gets shut down by Supreme Court


The right is fighting a losing battle. No turning back:

The Nebraska Supreme Court has overturned a lower court judge’s decision to deny a lesbian couple the right to adopt a three-year-old child that they have been raising together. The judge had said that same-sex couples adopting kids in the state is “imagination station” because, he argued, a wife has to have a husband.

“I think there will always be challenges,” said ACLU of Nebraska attorney Sara Rips, who represented the mothers. “I think we have a lot of fight left to go.”

The case involves two women who got married in California in 2008. The sister of one of the women had a child in 2017 and relinquished her rights to the child. The child’s biological father did not seek custody.

The kid is now three and the mothers want to adopt them legally, as a couple. But Dixon County Judge Douglas Luebe – who called himself “old-fashioned” during a hearing – refused to allow them to adopt.


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